Friday, March 29, 2013

It's Tough Being The Anti-Paris

I don’t follow celebrity news much.  As a kid I used to watch Entertainment Tonight all the time, but I no longer find it interesting, which I take as a comment on celebrity culture’s intellectual level.  I say all this to point out that once a celebrity story gets to me, I’m assuming that it’s pretty big.  So I have to ask: what does everyone have against Anne Hathaway?

There seems to be a sudden rise in articles talking about how people don’t seem to like her.  This surprised me, because she’s always seemed like a nice person.  Granted, I didn’t see the Oscar telecast where she and James Franco co-hosted; based on people’s reactions to that show, I’m assuming they barbecued kittens on stage or something.    But on talk shows she’s always come across as friendly and humourous without being pretentious.  Whatever negatives you can find against her are hardly worth mentioning when compared with the grand list of things to hate about people in Hollywood.

And yet, people are now turning against her.  Worst of all, the articles I’ve read are all phrased in the form of “I don’t know why I want to hate her.”  That’s a bad sign: once the media starts reporting on itself, you know the story has taken on a life of its own.  Any article that asks why everyone is talking about Purple Giraffes means that we’re going to be hearing about purple giraffes for the next couple of years.  It’s the same process that gets professional celebrities into the public eye.  People keep talking about the Kardashians because people keep talking about the Kardashians. 

So it seems Hathaway is the first person to be the reverse:  If Paris Hilton is famous for being famous, then Anne Hathaway is the first person to be hated for being hated.

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