Saturday, May 11, 2013

One Perspective On Advertising

At some sports events - particularly in Europe - they have ads painted on the grass in perspective so that from the camera's point of view they’ll look like a sign standing up.  However, when seen from another angle - like that of most of the fans - the sign is elongated to the point of illegibility.  Watching today's FA Cup, I noticed they took this a bit further and had a Budweiser ad that appeared like a curved beer can label.  Just think, somebody actually used a computer program to lay out what that would look like.  Pity it's all for the futile effort of trying to get British soccer fans to drink American beer.

Right after that game, I switched to the Blue Jays game.  And they have their own annoying turf ads. This season the broadcasters have taken to superimposing ads on the grass near the base coaches boxes.  You can often see an ad for Honda or Orange Julius with the proper perspective to look like it's painted on the ground.

It only just hit me that these two trends are contradictory:  one group are making ads painted on the grass to look like they're superimposed over the grass, but another group are trying to make ads superimposed over the grass look like they're actually painted on the grass.  That's how screwed-up humanity is: even our ads are trying to be something they're not.

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