Friday, May 10, 2013

Apology for Non-Symmetry

I'm going to have to admit it: my face isn't quite symmetrical.  Yes, the bridge of my nose is a little off-centre.  It's not something that bothers me too much: look closely and you'll see that lots of people have face bits that don't line up.

What does bother me is the question of how this happened.  If you find that, say, a carrot has a bend in it, you assume that it was growing straight, but something intervened.  It hit a rock, or some bug took a bite out of it and that curved it's growth in that direction.  So how do you explain my nose? 

It hasn't been broken or anything; have I just slept on one side more often than the other and gravity has done this?  Then how come my whole body isn't slanted?  Maybe it started much earlier:  as an embryo, one stem cell blew out at the wrong time, and I've been growing off-centre ever since.

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