Monday, September 3, 2012

God Save The Queen For Something A Little More Appropriate

I've mentioned before that if it was up to me, Canada would dump the monarchy. I've also subsequently mentioned before that I realise I'm out-voted on the issue, so I won't waste my time flogging that dead horse. However, I think I can make this complaint anyway, if only on a technicality:

Recently, a monarchist group proposed to name a small park in my neighbourhood in honour of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond jubilee.  There are several layers of oddness about this.  First is their need to commemorate a non-event.  They aren't naming the park after her, on the occasion of her jubilee, they are naming it after her jubilee.  The jubilee isn't really an event in itself, it's an anniversary.

And this isn't even the first thing they've named after a jubilee.  A local stretch of road is now known as "Jubilee Drive" in honour of her Golden (50th) Jubilee.  A her reign gets to longer and ever more impressive anniversaries, there are going to be more and more times to commemorate, and they're going to run out of things to name after Jubilees.  Which brings me to the most questionable part...

The park in question is pretty small, and it is dominated by a memorial the firefighters who have died in the line of duty, along with a monument in memory of 9/11.  Naming the park after the queen's jubilee is not necessarily disrespectful, but unless you have a pressing need to find something to name, then the classy thing would be to leave the park to the people honoured by it.

This has me asking, what's up with these people?  They're so desperate to name things after symbolic events in the queen's life that they're muscling-in on deceased firefighters.  I'm glad to see that the whole idea was dropped when the local firefighters' union did not get on board with it.  But merely proposing it is a huge misjudgement in how the monarchy fits into modern society.  And that's the technicality I mentioned: fine, you can have the monarchy as a symbol if you want to (even if it's not the symbol I would have chosen) but it is just a symbol, and has to take a back seat to serious issues.  The royals themselves seem to understand that they need to take a back seat to those who make real sacrifices, it's time Canadians figured that out too.

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