Sunday, April 27, 2014

This Blog Still Costs $0 A Week

I'm getting sick of car ads fiddling with payments to make them seem cheaper. I can still remember when car ads would actually tell you the price of the car. Today they assume you're financing or leasing and just tell you the monthly price. The total cost is buried in the fine print.

But at least it used to be that we agreed on a month as the standard term.  You could compare monthly payments from one car to another, as long as you took notice of the length of the deal. Then a few years ago someone decided to make it biweekly. It might be that in our over-calculated world, months and their 28-31 day spans are just too irregular. But it's probably to make the payments seem cheaper. That's surely the reason, since some dealers are now talking in terms of weekly payments.

But now Volkswagen is running ads in which one of their walking-stereotype engineers tells you that you can have one of their cars for only six dollars a day, Emphasizing that it's just the cost of lunch. Is this trend ever going to end? Why not say a quarter per hour? Or about a cent every other second?  Actually, that sounds like a lot.

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