Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's Safer And More Hygenic Than A Carnival Cruise

So former "space tourist" Dennis Tito wants to launch a privately-funded trip to Mars.  It's not as crazy as it sounds: because the plan doesn't involve landing there - or even slowing down - you could make the whole trip without much more technology or fuel than a simple launch into orbit.  Of course, there's never been a private manned trip into orbit either, so it is still hardly easy.

The news coverage of this proposal has had some fun with the concept that it should be a middle-aged married couple, since they'll have to live for a year-and-a-half in a capsule the size of a bathroom (but note: no shower.)  That's just wonderful.  Out of nowhere, an opportunity comes along that fits with my advancing age, and I'm ruled out for being single.

I have to wonder if this Mars project is really worth it though.  Yes, I realize that this is pretty obviously a symbolic thing, convincing ourselves that we can still do the unprecedented.  But I'm not sure that a fly-by will do the trick.  As an example, they've pointed out that the prospective Mars mission will be on the anniversary of Apollo 8, the first mission to flyby the moon.  Quick, name anybody on that mission.  Did you even know there were non-landing moon missions before Neil Armstrong on Apollo 11?

But whether it's crazy or not, the proposal is a welcome comeuppance for the Australian billionaire who plans to rebuild the Titanic.  He announced his plans yesterday, but now he looks like a backwards opportunist next to Tito.  If only he'd been juxtaposed against one of those guys trying to set a ballooning record.

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