Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Axial-Tilt Blues

We're slowly building our way from one solstice to the next, and the days are getting a bit longer.  It's about time.  The short days and long nights have been getting to me.

Reduced winter daylight never used to bother me.  As a child I would be parked in front of the TV before six anyway, so I hardly noticed the shifting of day lengths.  They say lack of exposure to sunlight can contribute to depression, but it never seemed to have any effect on me.  The winter semester in university where I had no classes before 2:00, so I never got up before noon.  The February I worked in a cubicle facing away from the windows, so I only saw the sun on lunch break and weekends.  None of it seemed to get me down (at least no more than the rest of my life.) 

But this year it has bothered me.  It'll be, say, 4:00pm and it hits me that we've got only about an hour of day left.  That'll seem kind of depressing, in spite of the fact that: a) I've always been a night owl, and b) artificial lighting is readily available throughout the developed world.  So maybe this is a sign that I'm becoming more in tune with nature.  We'll see if I start getting the urge to get up with the sun too.

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