Monday, February 18, 2013

It's The One-Eight Weekend!

Family Day?  That's the best we could come up with?  The most history-ignorant country on Earth, and we couldn't come up with an under-appreciated dead guy to honour with a day? 

What makes it particularly galling is that this is really just our counterpart to Presidents' Day in the U.S. (Or as it's officially known, Washington's Birthday.)  That's right, the people who know the most about celebrating themselves and their history have a day dedicated to their great leaders.  But do we take the hint?  No, we name our holiday after the blandest, most agreeable thing we could think of.  What's our counterpart to Martin Luther King Day going to be called?  I predict, "Community Day."

Why not just have a Puppies And Ice Cream Day?  At least that wouldn't be as dull.  Even making Groundhog Day into an official holiday would have at least shown some inspiration.  Sometimes I think we deserve our reputation for being boring. 

1 comment:

  1. Civic Day was already taken?

    If the holiday ever becomes federally recognized, it's easy ... Flag Day. The maple leaf flag first flew on February 15, 1965. Everybody loves the flag, sewing it on their backpack and whatnot.

    And as a federal employee, I'll finally get a holiday between New Year's and Good Friday.
