Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Somebody Call Dick Tracy

Apple released its latest iPhones, and they come with improvements in... who cares, they've finally got a watch!  It's still months away though, so we don't know all the details, and so far, it seems a little disappointing.  It looks like... a watch.  It's not as clunky as earlier smart watches, but it still does look like a digital watch, with a big rectangle on a much-thinner strap.

They even kept the little wheel at the side - not to wind it, but as an input device for when the tiny screen would be obscured by using on-screen controls.  Which makes me think: 1. haven't they noticed that those wheels aren't easy to use? Ask me in the middle of the daylight-saving shift if I wouldn't give up the wheel for setting the time with a touch screen.  And 2.  The original Blackberry (the one that looked like a pager) also had a wheel to navigate its functions: just one more reason for them to curse fate.

It sounds like they've got the right idea usability-wise by not just making it a mini-iPhone, and instead giving it a new paradigm.  But stylisticly it's not even as good as Samsung's smartwatches. I guess the disappointment is that the iPhone didn't look like previous phones, mobile or otherwise: it created its own, cleaner style.  That's kind of what the Pebble did with watches.  The iWatch barely even looks better than this fake Windows watch.

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