Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I Don't Always Study Chromosomes, But When I Do, I Prefer Dos Equis

This week we found out that Dos Equis beer is going to be changing the "Most Interesting Man In The World" character from their ads. They're still using the same concept, but they'll have a new actor in the role. The current Most Interesting Man will get some appropriate send off, supposedly a one-way trip to Mars.

So now they're going to have to come up with a new Most Interesting Man. But in our enlightened and, some people have suggested they have a Most Interesting Woman In The World. I'll leave it to you to decide/argue whether that's a good idea or not, but either way, it brings up the interesting question of what the Most Interesting Woman would be like. After all, we don't expect women to have their own identity, never mind a complex, multifaceted identity. So there really aren't many adventuresome, hyper-talented role models for women. The Most Interesting Man seems to be inspired by Ernest Hemingway, but who would you use as the basis for the female version? Here are some ideas:

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