Monday, October 19, 2015

Blue And Red

Oh, um, I guess I should write something about the election.  Let's see, I'll just insert a joke in which it seems like I'm commenting about the election, but then it turns out I'm talking about the Jays game.  I'll think of that later.

Anyway, about the election:
  • Thesis: Harper's downfall was winning a majority in the last election.  Giving complete power to a controlling personality brought out the worst in his personality.  Discuss.
  • People are still talking about the possibility of electoral reform, such as proportional representation.  But we're facing the same problem electoral reform always has: the government that just won with the current rules will be reluctant to change the rules.  Too bad it wasn't a Liberal minority depending on the NDP, that would have been the optimum result for reform.
  • Speaking of the NDP, they had a pretty disappointing result, ending up with the sort of seat count you would have expected, well, the last time the Jays were in the playoffs.  It's like the clock struck midnight, and now the party has turned back into a pumpkin, or something.  Hmm, orange/pumpkins?  I should work out a joke for that and put that in later too.
  • Lots of people noted that Harper was desperate if he was using Rob Ford for support (see the hilarious photo op here.)  But the NDP also made a late attempt to invoke the late Jack Layton in one of their final ads.  Neither of the last-second associations worked.
So over all, I got the result I was looking for.  Then the ballgame ended and I saw the Liberals won the election. Ha, that's the joke I should use.  Nah, that's stupid.  Maybe I could talk about "that guy who keeps talking but isn't as smart as he thinks he is" and it turns out I'm talking about both Rex Murphy and Harold Reynolds.

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