Saturday, February 7, 2015

Flipping The Board

There should be a measure of the bugginess of software. I mean, you could just count the number of problems a program has, but that would be misleading since some apps do more than some others. At the risk of driving people away with an esoteric example, I've done a lot of work with Eclipse, an application for software development. There's a lot of things I don't like about it, and I could spend all day listing the errors and poor design choices I've found. But even a hater like myself has to temper his criticism by acknowledging that Eclipse is a big and complicated piece of software that does many things, so it's inevitably going to have more bugs than your average Candy Crush ripoff app.

What I'm trying to get at is this: Flipboard for Android is the worst program ever written. It's the software equivalent of that "You Had One Job" meme. Flipboard's one job is to display news articles. There's no animation, no interaction, just text and the of photo. In other words, it's a web browser from 1994.

So what's wrong with it? Well, aside from downloading about as a web browser from 1994, there's also:
  • The pages blank out randomly. Flipping them back and forth causes them to reappear for some reason. 
  • It shows me the same article again and again. 
  • It sometimes shows empty articles. 
  • It occasionally decides to restart itself for no reason while I'm reading an article.
 So that does it; I'm looking for a new personalized news aggregator. I see there are lots of alternatives.  But I think I'll try Mosaic; I've heard good things about it.

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