Monday, December 8, 2014

And It Was All Yellow

I tried to Tweet this earlier, but it didn't work, so I'll just mention it here.  I was having trouble expressing it in 140 characters anyway.

Say you're approaching a traffic light, and it turns yellow. It's at just that time when you're not sure whether you should go through or not.  You make the snap decision to go for it, and get across the intersection just as it's turning red.  You're embarrassed, because it was closer than you'd imagined it, and you're glad your driving instructor isn't here to see it.

I've discovered that it's an unvarying truth: in this circumstance of pushing my luck at the lights, the person behind me will go through the intersection too.  I know I'm not that careful a driver, But these people are apparently even riskier than me.  Who are these people and why are they following me around?

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