Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tragedy Of The Cut-Ins

Today I was driving through a construction zone. Okay, I guess that was redundant. It's August in Canada; I just had to say, "today I was driving."

Anyway, there was a point where two lanes narrowed to one. I was in the lane that continued, and the lane to the right merged into mine. Whenever that happens, I try to be a nice guy and let someone in, but not be a pushover and get caught letting everyone in. I figure it's a good policy for each car to let one vehicle from the other lane in, then proceed. Similarly, if I'm the one cutting in, I won't try to force my way on front of someone who's already let someone in.
But today, I hung back to let a car in, and a second car squeezed in right behind. Of course, that ticked me off since that's abusing this gentlemen's agreement between drivers that exists in my mind.

It bugs me because this is such a silly little thing to try and get an advantage. Yeah, you're a big man cause you got one car-length ahead. That made me want to pull forward and try to block him from getting in. Of course, he'd probably curse me: oh, you're a really big man cause you can't stand me getting one car-length ahead.

What do you call that sort of situation? Person A does something cheap and childish, person B resents this and thus tries to stop person A, even though the consequences of the original action are minor. It does happen a lot. Like if a person always had to get on the last word, so you follow up everything they say with your own comment. You think you're teaching them a lesson, but really, it just leads to an endless conversation in which both sides look equally silly. And of course, there are countless political examples around the world. Really, the only way out is not to put any value on such unimportant concepts, and satisfy yourself with laughing internally at those who do.

But most importantly if you are going to cut in front of me in a vortex of psycho-philosophical game theory issues, you could at least wave thank you.

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