Monday, August 26, 2013

I Want My MTV To Shut The Hell Up

Yesterday I complained about Syfy, a channel we don't even get in Canada.  In case it wasn't clear, they still have an effect on my life: although Canada's Space channel is more geek-friendly, they rely on Syfy for a lot of programming.  So if Syfy fills their hours with wrestling and reality shows, then Space has difficulty finding programming, and their tapes of Stargate SG-1 aren't going to last forever.

And now I'd like to complain about another American channel that we can't watch here but affects our lives anyway: MTV.  (Yes, I know there's an MTV Canada, but it's a separate channel.  Fun fact, Americans: MTV Canada has even less music videos than the American version.)

This weekend, they had their annual Video Music Awards, so now we have to sit through the media's annual attempt to make a story of the show's orchestrated controversy.  They always have someone on stage do something that would shock your grandmother, but doesn't shock any of the people who are actually watching.  And all the news outlets take the bait, and spend the day reporting on something everyone either already saw, or don't care about.

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