Saturday, June 30, 2012
This Post is (About) Filler
It shows you one of those QR codes (and as an aside, don't get me started on them) and a small mock-up of a mobile site. You'll notice that the sample site has some sample text in it. Usually in a situation like this, graphic designers will use some nonsense filler text such as Lorem Ipsum. But take a look at what the folks at Blogger used:
Yes, Sarah Palin's speeches have become the new filler text.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Bo Knows Pronunciation
But Chaz has made the problem even worse in recent years by undergoing a sex change. Now any conversations about Chaz will trigger a pause even when using a pronoun, as we have to stop and remind ourselves to say "he" rather than "she." For instance, discussing the Degrassi appearance I would end up saying, "Chaz...Bono is in Toronto because...he is going to be on Degrassi."
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Things the Teenage Me Would Never Have Believed About the Future, #5
Friday, June 22, 2012
Sex and Women's Golf (Guaranteed No Cheap Lesbian Jokes)
But secondly, the ads for it have placed heavy emphasis on Michelle Wie. Like a lot of people, it bugs me seeing the attention she gets. Nothing personal against her, but they are publicising the sport using someone who has played three-and-a-half full seasons but won only two more tournaments than I have. She's been the face of women's golf for years, despite the presence during that time of two exceptional superstars, Anika Sorenstam and Lorena Ochoa. The odd thing is, it's not clear why.
It's not unprecedented in women's sports for the uber-successful household-name star to be an athlete who's far from the best. Tennis's Anna Kournikova, being the obvious example: she famously won as many tennis tournaments as Wie has. It's hard to imagine a worse role-model for girls: her looks made her the most popular player of her generation, far ahead of players who were actually good at their sport.
In her case, it seemed to be all about sex appeal. But a few people asked the question, why her? It seems obvious: she's an attractive woman in a society where sex sells. But that can't be the whole story - beautiful women are a dime a dozen in our world. The question is, why did young teen boys spend their minimum-wages on a copy of Maxim with her on the cover, when endless pictures of women are always a Google search away?
Furthermore, why hasn't it continued? Maria Sharapova is at least as attractive, but with the bonus that she's actually a good player, and thus can be lusted-after guilt-free. Wie is not unattractive either, but if this were just about sex, Paula Creamer would likely be the face of the LPGA (and look, she's won nine tournaments.)
This whole thing seems to be a symptom of that odd phenomena of modern society where fame is self-fulfilling. Something arbitrary vaults a person into the spotlight and then they're there for as long as they want. Why is Wie so well-known? Because she's famous. These are the first sports examples of the famous-for-being-famous concept. In the same way Kournikova taught girls that it's more important to be hot than good, Wie is teaching us that it's more important to be famous than good.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Today I saw a truck whose owner was proclaiming his allegiance in the European soccer championship. But not in the usual way with a flag out the window. Instead,the flag had been wrapped around the front of the side mirrors: same display of patriotism, no aerodynamic penalty. Do I even have to tell you the flag was German?
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
A Hipster's Dilemma
Monday, June 18, 2012
Striking Writers
A few years ago there was a TV writer's strike, and talk shows had to go off the air. I was actually surprised to find that they were written by writers, rather than simple computer programs. I assumed Jay Leno just had a rack of computers backstage scanning the news wires. When there was a story about, say, children, it inserts Michael Jackson into it and calls it a joke.
Anyway, my point is: enough with the Mitt Romney dog-on-the-car-roof jokes. I'm not a fan of Romney or dogs, but still, the next comic who tries a lazy joke just because there's an animal in a news story is going to find out what it's like being strapped to the roof of a car headed for Canada.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Thomas is my Hometrain
Why is it that competition so often seems to come down to twos? Yes, I know, economies of scale encourage consolidation of production and anti-trust laws prevent unifying the entire market.
There are several types of pairings. Thomas vs. Chuggington would go in the "Famous Original & Lame Copy" category. Along with them, Transformers vs. Go-Bots, Lego vs. MegaBloks, iPod vs. Zune.
Other types:
Polite Classic vs. Brash Upstart:
Coke vs. Pepsi, DC vs. Marvel, McDonald's vs. Burger KingWidespread Standard vs. Hip Underdog:
Windows vs. Mac, Android vs. iPhone, Wal-mart vs. TargetNo Real Difference, But People Feel Passionate Anyway:
Budweiser vs. Miller, GM vs. FordFriday, June 15, 2012
This Post is in 3DD, But Better than that Piranha Movie
I've never been much of a drinker, so I've been a Designated Driver more times than I can remember. I won't say you can't have fun as a DD, but it's not quite as simple as they show in the ads. No, I'm not saying you need alcohol to have a good time. It's just hard to have fun as the only sober person in your group. Or, to put it another way, it would be no problem to be a DD and have a great time if you were driving for the drinkers you see in beer commercials. You know, the guys who are acting pretty normal, just a little happier and more at ease.
But that's not usually the case in real life. There, the DD is chaperoning people who have been drinking all night. You're not the Designated Driver so much as the Designated Herder. Now that's a lonely feeling: being the only one in the car who can put together a complete sentence.
If they really want to promote Designated Drivers, they should give tips on how you and your, um, Undesignated Drinkers can make the evening more enjoyable. Here's my contribution: There are bars that sober people can enjoy (there are tables and chairs, nice decor, a noise level conducive to talking) and there are bars that only drunk people can enjoy (bare-bones decor, nothing to do but dance, and you have to scream into someone's ear to talk.) You may start at the first type of bar, but half-way through the evening, the drunk people will start talking about going to a new bar. Without exception, it will be the other kind of bar, because that's what appeals to drunk people. But the DD - not being a drinker - won't know that.
So how about rating bars by who the target market is. Say, a sign at the entrance saying, "You must be at least this drunk to enter." So you know those are the bars you only go to if you're willing to spring for a taxi. Or they could have a "Sober Room" where Designated Drivers can talk, or play chess, or watch Downton Abbey or something.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
If You're Looking To Start Your Own Country
The same goes for the Dominican Republic, but it gets a pass because there's already a Dominica, and they seem to be alright with "The Dominican." Though that brings up the next problem:
![]() |
A Better New Zealand Flag (graphic by Bamse, used by creative commons) |
You could have a big ceremony where you adopt it as your flag and give Henry Rollins honourary citizenship at the same time. And of course we in Canada would feel much more confident if we weren't the only people on Earth with a leaf on our flag.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Combat Blog
Monday, June 11, 2012
Len Me Some Sugar, I Am Your Neighbour
It's weird how old songs can come and go in popularity. I think it has something to do with how heavily programmed radio is now: if the focus group likes a given song, it gets rotation on all that conglomerate's radio stations.
Perhaps they also try out old, over-played songs to see how people react. About a year ago I was surprised to hear "Hey Ya" in a supermarket. I haven't heard it anywhere since, so I guess it's still too soon.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Holmes on Hollywood
But here's another way of looking at it. Imagine that Bollywood decided to take on Sherlock Holmes. I'll just stop and let you come to terms with that picture: Holmes noticing minute details in the middle of ornate dance numbers, a bejewelled Watson following on elephant-back. Of course, the Indian film makers wouldn't be literally saying that people are breaking into spontaneous choreography in the middle of crime-solving. Just like the dancing street gangs in West Side Story or opera characters that take ten minutes to die, it's merely their style of storytelling, a flourish of style not to be taken as a direct copy of reality.
And I'm starting to think that's how we should look at Hollywood movies. Explosions and fights are just their show-stopping song-and-dance. Freed from an assumption of literalism, you can see today's blockbusters in a new light. Transformers was a commentary on imperialism, Battleship really was true to the game.
And just imagine how they would take on other timeless stories: the aforementioned West Side Story or its inspiration Romeo and Juliet could be retold as a romance between post-apocalyptic genetically-engineered supersoldiers. But: they're loyal to rival warlords. The final scene where they fake their demise by fighting to the death before being resurrected as cyborgs will be a classic tear-jerker.
Friday, June 8, 2012
The Declining Value of the Euro
But when I think of your average World Cup, I don't really remember it as European teams dominating everyone else. I remember it as Germany and one or two other European countries doing well, while the rest of Europe chokes against African and Asian teams. So I looked up the 2010 World Cup results, and a quick sum of the records shows that the European teams had a record of 13 wins, 10 ties and 10 losses against non-European teams. A winning record to be sure, but it hardly indicates that the European teams get a "break" when facing non-European opposition.
So it's pretty clear that this attitude of Europe being head-and-shoulders above the rest of the world in soccer is out-of-date, and no amount of upsets against South Korea or Mexico is going to convince them otherwise. Suddenly the continent's inability to face it's financial problems makes a little more sense.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Movie Marketing Challenges
But it's actually brilliant marketing. Between people who want to see Robert Pattinson shirtless, and the people who want to see Robert Pattinson get tased, that probably covers 90% of movie goers.
BTW, I started reading the book Cosmopolis, but lost interest. I had no idea there were dinosaurs in it. Maybe I'll have to pick it up again.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Back to the Future
I'm in day two of three with a cell phone as my only Internet connection. The odd thing about it is that it's so much like old school Internet: slow connection, limited downloading, id's mostly text. So now I'm off to the app store to look for a Gopher app.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Day One With a Mobile Phone
Lots of jackets have pockets specifically for cell phones now, but what they need now is to add weights to the other side so it won't be lopsided.
By the way, I've prided myself on being one of the few on the Internet with proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. We'll see how long that lasts, thumb typing on a touch screen.
Friday, June 1, 2012
I Want to Pay What the CEO Pays
I assume they're trying to tap into some public anxiety. It's sort of like when furniture stores have a "We Pay the Tax" sale. People hate sales taxes, so that sounds way better than a "13% Off Everything" sale.
But is the automotive employee discount really something we all get worked-up about? Yes, we're often jealous of auto workers conditions, but that's hardly the reason. They need to give away full health benefits, pensions, and job security with every car.