Friday, April 20, 2012

Supercar Friday

Stopped at a traffic light today, I was surprised to see a McLaren MP4-12C pull up next to me.  However, shortly after the heavy traffic began crawling forward again, I lost sight of it as that lane fell behind.  It seems the car gods were teaching me a lesson: My car may be worth only 0.5% as much, but speed still comes down to who didn't get caught in the lane with an over-loaded semi half-a-block ahead.  Perhaps a car that is theoretically fast on the track isn't what this world needs.  Someone should make an urban supercar: extra small and manoeuvrable, it can hop between lanes in an instant, fit into tiny gaps in traffic, and navigate busy streets in record time.  I guess that would be a motorbike.

Then a couple of hours later on nearly the same stretch of road coming back in the other direction, I saw a Mercedes SLS, their top-of-the-line sports car.  It was about to turn into a parking lot, and I was tempted to follow just to watch the driver open the gull-wing doors - which, aside from looking cool, would finally answer the question of whether you can open gull-wing doors in a crowded parking lot.  It was then that it occurred to me:  Parking lot?  It was headed for Home Depot!  Again, like seeing a supermodel belch, it was an important lesson that we're all the same deep down.

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