Sunday, August 7, 2016

Feedback On Facebook

Usually, when Facebook advertises or suggests something to me, and it's something out of the ordinary, I can assume it's related to my interests.  Or at least, interests that I've told Facebook about.  For instance, today I got this:

He's the president from Dr. Strangelove, and I've listed it as a favourite movie.  So it's appropriate to me, and seems relevant right now. Though sometimes the ads are a bit more distantly related.  Take that Japanese group that's being publicized in the right margin.  I have no idea how that got suggested, or what those two schoolgirls are doing. I swear the only anime movies I've liked on Facebook are Ghost in the Shell and Princess Mononoke. So I don't know how such risqué images got on my Facebook: it's unrelated to everything else, just like Brie Larson seems out of place with the other two trending topics.

But then yesterday I got this:

That's a mystery, since I don't have a religion listed, nor have I posted anything religious.  I know Facebook ads can be influenced by your friends' interests, and some friends occasionally post Christian inspirational messages.  But I'd like to believe I got that suggestion because of the following horrendous misunderstanding:

The fact that I didn't get just any Christian page, but specifically Jesus and Mary, makes me think that someone has misunderstood the Scottish band with a similar name but not-so religious basis.  Of course, if this has happened to everyone listing the Jesus and Mary Chain as a favourite band, then the Jesus and Mary Facebook page has been flooded by confused Gen-Xers, which would have been entertaining to watch.  I guess I should have clicked on it.

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