Monday, September 7, 2015

Profiles In Verbage

The last time I walked into Chapters/Indigo/whatever, this was the display that greeted me just inside the entrance:

Yes, they have books from each of the party leaders.  I'm sure the manager is currently trying to figure out why there are fewer people in the store suddenly.  The Mulcair book is on the left, why didn't they put the Harper book on the right?  And what can we deduce from the fact that it's the only one with a sale sticker?

Seriously though, I should point out that the Trudeau and Mulcair books are by them, while it is merely a book about Stephen Harper.  Has Harper written a book yet?  I mean a political book, not his book about hockey.  I've tried searching for a book by him, but typing "Harper" into the search field just swamps me with offers on Go Set A Watchman.

I'm surprised Harper doesn't have his own book, because lots of politicians (ghost) write books.  I guess you can see why, since it's a nice way to get your name out there and look like you're smart too.  And I'm assuming someone is buying these books, since publishers are willing to print them.  I'm guessing they're mostly writing to the converted though: I can't imagine anyone seeing this display and buying one of each, then going off to read them and use it as the basis for their decision. If you're that willing to read, you surely already have your mind made up.

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