Monday, March 12, 2012

Corded Phones

I always wondered why the cell phones in stores are tethered down. It's not like they're actual phones - they're just worthless plastic mockups. And yet, someone does want to steal them, since you so often see them missing.

I figured it out today. I arrived at the elevator just as another person did. It was one of those awkward situations where I would have said hello, but the other person never did anything that could be construed as eye contact. So we're standing there waiting for the elevator in silence; I'm feeling stupid.

But not her - she pulls out her phone and begins... I don't know, doing something with it. It was right then that I would have given anything for a small flat piece of plastic to fiddle with, just as an excuse not to stand there doing nothing. Certainly the desire to avoid such social trauma in the future would easily give me the strength to snap that little spring-loaded cord.

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