Saturday, April 9, 2016

With Friends Like These...

What's up with good guys fighting each other? First Batman Vs. Superman, now Captain America: Civil War, which seems to actually be Captain America Vs. Iron Man: Plus Avengers that Won't Get Their Own Movies. Yes, I know, I already complained about pitting arbitrarily-powered superheroes against each other. But know I'm wondering why we suddenly feel the need to have good guys fight each other. It does go against the usual rule of action movies, which dictates that you need a great bad guy.

Of course, the obvious explanation is that it parallels modern American society, where everyone seems more interested in fighting each other than in fighting the nation's enemies. That seems like a good explanation, though it would be better the battling heroes seemed more representative of America's cultural poles. I mean, Superman and Batman don't really have differing views of the world. Okay, maybe Clark Kent wrote an article supporting the Capital Gains Tax, and Bruce Wayne took it personaly, but that's a stretch. I mean it would be nice if the heroes at war in a movie actually represented the two sides of the American culture war. You could film it like Godzilla Vs. King Kong, where (Spoiler Alert) there were two endings so that Japanese and American audiences each got to see the home-town-favourite monster win. In this case, they'd just distribute different endings to red and blue states.

Or maybe in today's confused world, the line between good and bad is sort of arbitrary. Afterall, the next big event in the DC Cinematic Universe is Suicide Squad, in which a collection of bad guys are the protagonists. So the good guys fight each other, the bad guys are doing good, Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor; nothing makes sense anymore. And we have already had a few enemies/anti-heroes fighting each other in movies: there was the aforementioned Godzilla Vs. King Kong, plus Alien Vs. Predator and Freddy Vs. Jason.

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