Monday, September 9, 2013

The Blogging Dead

And now, but relatively popular demand, here's my thinking on this commercial:

First of all, it's good to see Matt Smith getting work after Doctor Who.  Way to overcome typecasting.

But my main question is: what's with the present fascination with zombies? Yes, I know, there's The Walking Dead. But if pop culture were determined by popular premium-cable dramas, we'd also have ads with meth dealers and motorcycle gang members trying to get phones.  The last time I surfed past the country music channel slowly enough to see what was on, it was a video based around zombies.

So I feel sorry for zombie fans, because it's pretty much played out.  When New Country and phone providers have capitalized on a trend, it's over.  In just the last half-decade, we've gone through vampires and zombies.  Assuming succubi are still not going to get their turn, it's down to werewolves.  Who knew the new Teen Wolf was ahead of the curve?

When I originally searched YouTube for this ad, I accidentally searched for "Verizon Zombie Commercial"  rather than Sprint.  So, Canadian Wireless industry, consider your mission to demonize Verizon successful.  Though they are continuing their attack ads even after Verizon announced they're not entering the Canadian market.  So, who's the zombies there?

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