Friday, June 7, 2013

Better Living Through Anarchy

So there's this movie out this weekend called The Purge.  It's about a future America where everyone is happy and well adjusted because they have twelve hours a year that they can invade Ethan Hawke's house, where he lives with a French woman he married nine years ago.  Okay, I may be a little confused, but the idea is: twelve hours, no laws, everyone's happy (the rest of the time.)

That's an interesting idea.  Although it's in danger of being the simplistic sci-fi idea I complained about a few days ago, I'll give it a pass since it is at least a dangerous and challenging idea.

But really, it's pretty far fetched, like something Freud would have believed in.  For one thing, I don't think there'd be much left of the world after twelve hours of anarchy.  Or maybe that's the idea:  The economy is doing great because we have to rebuild everything once a year.  Another question I've heard people raise about the premise is whether twelve hours a year is really enough catharsis to let people release their pent up energy and frustrations.  If that was all it took, Burning Man would have fixed society years ago.  Really you need a release from societal rules and responsibilities far more often.  And now you understand how Canada needs hockey.

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